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U.S. Patent No. US 11,911,068 B2

Over 2 million patients are diagnosed with collapsed lung (pneumothorax) annually in the world. Pneumothorax treatment requires chest tube insertion to evacuate the air and re-expand the collapsed lung. This procedure is performed by experienced and well-trained physicians or first responders. The difference between life and death after a pneumothorax can be seconds. Survival usually depends on safe and accurate chest tube insertion. Hence, there is a low survival rate in situations where access to care is limited. Consequently, a pneumothorax often leads to death on an airplane, submarine, cruise ship, mountain climbing, or battlefield. 

One in three patients has a complication from chest tube insertion. Major complications can contribute to up to 30% of procedural deaths. Complications include puncture of the lung, heart, abdominal organs, or not getting the tube in the right place. Our patent-pending technology is disruptive since it offers precise depth control and electronic cavitary detection. It provides any healthcare provider with the ability to place an emergent chest tube with accuracy and precision independent of experience or skillset.

The market for Smart Drain is universal. A pneumothorax can occur anywhere in civilian and military settings. It can occur on land or in air, water, and even outer space. Our device is widely applicable in the treatment of everyone, from babies to seniors.


Our market strategy is to start getting Smart Drain in the hands of our physicians in hospitals and then expand into other user groups such as first-responders. We will also aim to have early adoption of our device by the military to keep our soldiers safe!

Smart Drain: Products
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